55 Beats per Minute

An intercultural and interdisciplinary art project featuring women of different origins and cultures. It investigates the inner female consciousness by searching for its intimate essence, trapped in the roles and spaces that women play in the course of their social lives.
The perception inherent in anthropology that everything that belongs to our tradition perceived as real, is a set of unknown problems, implies a disorientation, a journey, the strategy of the ‘dé tour’ that allows us to identify what is really ours through confrontation by experiencing it as other. The resulting disorientation induces active reflection and detachment in such a way as to achieve a new vision of what is also ours. In a game of immediate questions, unknown to them until the moment of the encounter, surprising the mind, I look for the spontaneous reaction free of influences and conditioning, capable of revealing -beyond words- the woman’s perception of herself.
In a condition of “theatrical anthropology”, therefore, I met each woman present in the work, individually, essential in the overall frame and then elaborated this communicative humus through the work of the actor performer and created the performances “I wait for” “S-Till” and “InSideOut” .
Indivisible in the creation, on the one hand there is the social relationship, expressed in the video interviews, and on the other hand the artistic creation through the work of the actor-performer and its documentation.
250 video interviews involving women from all over the world are themselves inspirational material for the conception of the performances.
The women interviewed will speak in their mother tongue with English subtitles.